Jul 25, 2007

5 Tips to Fight Obesity - the Freshman 15 lbs

It is important to remember that many college students put on extra weight when starting college. The plethora of fast food meals available on campus, as well as lack of parental discipline can sometimes be overwhelming to teens. This leads to the dreaded Freshman 15, or extra 15 pounds many college students put on their first year of college.

Obesity in the America is growing at an unprecedented rate. We should all take heed of this and for our health sake, beware. Here are some tips to keep you from putting weight on when you come to college:

  1. Drink water! Avoid purchasing colas or other drinks packed with sodium and sugar, which increase obesity.

  2. Learn to cook at home. While the dorm room may not be the ideal place to cook, if you can microwave a hot dog or put together a sandwich, you can save money and calories. Greasy fast food meals are a leading cause of American obesity.

  3. Walk to class. Sure, the bus or driving may seem faster, but the added laziness will set you back around the belt area. Not only does this burn calories, but it will also ease you into a running routine if you so decide. When was the last time you saw a professional runner with an obesity problem?

  4. Take an exercise class. My college offers many courses such as running, basketball, golf, karate, etc. These can be taken for college credit and often times they are at no extra charge for full time students.

  5. Go easy on the beer. Lets face it, we can't deny that some college students drink. As if drinking didn't have enough consequences, beer contains calories which add to the problem of student obesity. The best solution is to stop drinking all together. If that isn't your style, maybe you should cut back on the amount you are drinking - who knows, you might enjoy the party more.



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