Jul 5, 2007

Pushing Ahead in my GMAT Studying

So anyway, I have spent about 10 hours studying for the GMAT since my last post.

I have realized now that I overlooked the fact that I cannot use a calculator on the quantitative section. This should not be too large of a setback, however I had to review a few really simple things such as long division (since I have been so used to working with a calculator). Yeah, it is a little embarassing but everyone needs a refresher after a few years away. I suppose my quant skills will go way up.

I'm glad that my accounting experience has taught me to be so quick and efficient with my work, because I can tell one of the challenges I will have will be with the time constraints.

Note: One of the links in the following post is acting funny and asking for a password for some reason. :/

Inspirational GMAT quote: "When adversity strikes, some get bitter, others get better!"



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