Jul 10, 2007

True Wealth is a Grateful Soul

Money has been a large theme of this blog and of my life in general. I suspect (if you are reading) it is of yours as well. Money is important to the world, money is important to our daily personal lives. In my opinion, modern economic theory is based on the principle that money is the placeholder of value. This is to say that when we exchange work for cash, we do not want the cash specifically. What we truly want when we work is the value of that money, what we can potentially get when we exchange it again. Especially in first world countries, this is not always equated to durable, neccesary goods.

But what good does money do if it does not serve a higher end? There are many examples of financially abundant people which are spiritually and emotionally miserable, and vice-versa. The opposite is also true - those with money who are incredibly fulfilled. So what makes true wealth?

True wealth is a grateful soul. I am currently going on a four day fast in the name of God to reveal to myself the true abundance in front of my eyes. There are many simple pleasures in which we have overlooked in the pursuit of success. It is often that as we pursue these goals we also increase the 'cost' of our own happiness. I will be happy when I reach this goal, I will get happiness when I pay the price for that goal. Sooner or later, we have paid the price so many times our pockets (metaphorically) are empty. The truth is that wealth is right in front of you and the sooner we embrace that mentality, the sooner it will manifest in our lives.



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