Oct 10, 2008

College Weight Loss Ideas to Avoid the Freshman 15

If you have ever found yourself pondering this question, you are not alone. Millions of freshmen across the nation struggle with weight gain each year as they adjust to college life, and quite often this weight gain comes as an unpleasant surprise as they return home and step on the scale at Thanksgiving or Christmas. So in this time when college weight gain has become almost as inevitable as term end finals how do you, the college student, know if you are gaining the freshman fifteen?

1. Have the contents of your diet changed since entering college?

Calorie laden cafeteria food, greasy fast food, and cheesy pizzas often become staples in the diet of a college student. When you lived at home chances are that your parents served well-balanced, nutritious meals. Once arriving at college, however, your diet can skyrocket in extra fat and calories resulting in weight gain.

2. Have you been eating more since entering college?

Buffet style cafeterias and late night snacks increase the total calories that you eat each day. When you consider the fact that one pound equals 3,500 calories, and extra 500 calories each day will be an extra pound gained each week.

3. Has your activity level decreased since entering college?

Hectic class schedules, part time jobs, and social activities often dominate your days, leaving no time for the gym. You may have played on a sports team in High School or participated in some other organized activity that now has no place in your schedule. This decrease in activity will end up showing around your waistline.

Did you answer yes to one or more of the above questions? If so, then chances are that you are on your way to gaining the Freshman Fifteen. But wait! You don’t have to follow in the footsteps of the millions of college freshmen who gain this unwanted weight each year. By making yourself aware of the causes of this traditional weight gain you have already won half of the battle.



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