College parking, unlike most High School parking, is usually quite a bit more competitive. The trend in off-campus student housing is increasing to the point that more and more students need parking passes. These students don't always get the same "mandatory" bus service in which High School students receive. Also, since college students are older, many more of them own cars.
Procrastination of this kind often leads to disasterous results. Many students will be stuck with a parking spot which is so far away from their classroom building that they will have to walk a considerable distance. Other students waiting until the last minute are usually completely out of a spot all together and forced to drive around campus in search for parking meters. Since parking meters often have an short limit on how much time you can purchase (before returning to refill it) this can lead to a hefty parking ticket. Beware, on many college campuses the entire parking labor force is reliant on funds from parking tickets to fulfill budget requirements. What does this mean? Thats right, you will be slapped with parking tickets on average of about $25 per time.
All this leads me to my final conclusion, which is to remember to get a good parking pass now before they are all taken!
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