The "freshman 15" is the term used to describe the extra weight that is often gained by students going off to college for the first time. For many of these students, it is the very first time they have lived away from home and experienced so much freedom. Emotional eating, late night eating, cafeteria food, drinking, and lack of exercise all combine to create that perfect environment for packing on the pounds!
While this happens more often than not, being aware of the possibility is the first line of defense. There are easy steps that all students can take to avoid the dreaded "freshman 15!" Following these simple tips can even help you finish your first year of college healthier than when you began. We'll discuss a few of these steps here.
The first important step to avoiding college weight gain is to never skip breakfast! Breakfast wakes up your metabolism and gets it ready to function for the day. If walking to the cafeteria each morning for a nutritious breakfast isn't realistic, then keep healthy breakfast options in your room for a quick grab and go.
The next step in avoiding the "freshman 15" is to make healthy food choices 90% of the time. College cafeterias are offering more variety and healthier options but a buffet is still a buffet! While it's okay to occasionally select macaroni and cheese or dessert, these indulgences need to be rare. Limit yourself to one "free" meal a week!
Another important tip is to make good decisions about your beverages. Limit sodas and sweet drinks. They provide no nutritional value and slow weight loss. Make water your main source of hydration. Drink skim milk with your meals. Calcium-rich diets burn more fat!
Avoid late-night snacks to keep your weight under control. Have some healthy options available for those rare times when you decide to indulge. Stop eating 2-3 hours prior to going to bed so that excess calories aren't so easily stored as fat.
One of the most important steps that you can take to avoid the "freshman 15", and the last one we'll discuss here, is to find an exercise buddy and schedule regular workouts. Take advantage of the college facilities for weight training, walking, running, swimming, tennis, racquetball, and basketball.
Follow these five simple steps to avoid gaining those unwanted pounds as you go away to college. Ignoring the problem can cause the "freshmen 15" to turn into permanent baggage that you won't want to carry around with you. Being aware that it can happen is essential and enables you to make wiser choices before it's too late.
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