Jun 1, 2009

Building the Habit of Waking up Early

It has been said that it takes 21 days to form a habit, and that our habits shape our destiny. I have always admired those that had the habit of waking up early, partially because of the results they got from it and partially because it has so alluded me. Waking up early is a sign of a strong work ethic and excitement to start the day. Of all the other great reasons I could include to support why I want to do this, it is more important to actually do it. I will be documenting my progress and failures in this article over the next 7 days to help others gain insight on how to do this in their lives.

Day 1 - 10:45 am
I got to sleep late last night, sitting in bed unable to let it go. After waking up at 7 am for a brief moment to turn my alarm clock off, I decided to stay in bed and be awake until I could think of something I wanted to do that early. Obviously, after this I immediately fell back asleep and before I knew it, a brief nap turned into a late start to the day.

So I am currently brainstorming ideas for waking up early. I usually have little problem when I have an obligation with someone else, for example a meeting or work. Since I can't think of anyone to get together with that early, I am going to brainstorm exciting things going on early in the morning. I suppose there is some good news on in the morning, however I could justify watching that later in the day. I enjoy drinking coffee, which may be a decent motivator. I'm currently at a loss, but I'm sure something will come of it.

As for these sleepless nights I have been having, I am planning on reading a book until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. If I finish the book, I suppose I will get another one! If I am to be up for hours, I might as well be entertained. Here is to waking up closer to 7am tomorrow!

Day 2 10:04 am

Last night I stayed up in bed reading until I fell asleep - this worked out well, as I felt entertained and as if I was keeping myself mentally sharp. Late night television is not the best at helping me get to sleep, and most of what is on is just garbage anyway. This morning it was raining so I was a little less motivated to wake up - however I did wake up at 7am, only to fall back asleep.

Day 3 10:14 am

So I fell back a little on my goal today, largely in part because of staying up late last night visiting a friend. I went to his house earlier and had a few beers with him, and next thing I knew I was laying down in bed at 2am. A big part of the reason I didn't wake up earlier today, I believe, is that I still don't have ingrained in my mind a good idea of when I should be going to sleep in order to get up early. I am so used to staying up very late; midnight was around the time I used to finish studying and then take at least a couple of hours to wind down. I am now going to have to shoot for 11pm as my target bedtime if I hope to get up early.

On the positive side, this morning I did get up very shortly after I became conscious. No reluctance to waking up, getting out of bed, etc. Considering I took some sleep aid last night, and didn't hear any alarm clocks going off this morning, I am happy that I woke up naturally at about the time I have been the last couple of days. We must remember that I would normally wake up around noon, sometimes later.

Day 4 6:59 am

Success! I am really surprised that I ended up waking up this early today, it was actually one minute before my alarm clock went off! All this success and it only is Day 4, I must admit I was expecting it to take longer before seeing this much progress. Another reason I am surprised I woke up this early was the timing of my sleep - I went to bed a little after 2am this morning again, bad me. It is no surprise that after I jumped up out of bed this morning, I drove to the gas station and purchased a coffee energy drink to help wake up - I didn't want to risk falling back asleep!

Here is a short list of reasons I am excited about being up so early today:
  • I can start working earlier (I make my own schedule), and in effect get done earlier in the day, leaving me more time for recreation later in the day.
  • I am further ingraining the habit. Even though I may be a little groggy today, I know I will be able to do this with a higher degree of mental alertness in the future.
  • I will not only feel like I "get more done," but get more important things done which will bring me closer to my goals. This is partially due to less outside distraction from people, entertainment sources and from the media.
Day 5 - 11:10 am... ouch

Okay, so my day up early yesterday turned into a night out late too. The more I see how it is affecting me the next day, especially in relation to the time I woke up, the more I can see why staying out late is something to avoid. My whole day felt like it was slowed down and as if I was playing catch-up the whole time. This doesn't mean I can't go out and see friends, but I have to set reasonable deadlines for when I need to be home by.

Day 6 - 8:24 am

I got to bed at a reasonable hour last night, closer to 11:00 pm than I felt comfortable doing. Going to bed early is something I haven't done in so long that it felt alien, and it was especially difficult because of my excitement from the Cavaliers winning the basketball game that was over right at bedtime. However, it didn't take me as long as I expected it to in order to fall asleep. That is one thing I must battle in order to keep a regular schedule, falling asleep in a respectable amount of time. I have incorporated cardio back into my workout, which should help. I believe a foot injury was the reason I took it out, and I never got around to putting it back in.

Day 7 - 6:00 am (and 11:00 am)

Wow, I got up really early today! Surprisingly enough, I didn't get to bed until fairly late last night and woke up without the alarm this morning. However, to be completely honest, I did go back to sleep at around 8:30 am and woke up again once and for all at 11:00 am.

I think the main problem I have with waking up early is saying no to staying out late visiting with friends. Most of my friends don't like to get together earlier in the evening or afternoon, which is probably a large reason for why I end up staying out so late - they are and they don't make it seem like a big deal.



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