Jun 18, 2007

The Growing Cost of College University Tuition in America

As a poor college student, I am well aware of the cost of college tuition. It is important for students as well as others to recognize the problem we face.

FACT #1: The growth rate of tuition in America for the past three years has been for 13, 10, and 7 percent.(source)

This is largely due to state legislatures decreasing appropriations for universities. What has been the response of the federal government to this? Decreasing federal grants and increasing the interest rates on the federal student loans which are not large enough to cover tuition alone at many public universities! .

FACT #2: The historically average rate of tuition increase is twice the rate of inflation. (source)
Does this really seem fair to you? Not only are students expected to work less while in school in order to maintain respectable GPAs, but many are paying for it with borrowed money. Do we really want to raise a country with an addiction to debt, or do we want to raise a nation of savers and investors?



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