Mar 14, 2009

Best Reason to take the CPA Exam Now!

Reasons to take and pass the CPA Exam Now!

  • The sooner you take it, the easier it is. After finishing an undergraduate degree in accounting, all of the knowledge is still fresh in your head. The exam is mostly academic and real world experience is not as useful as book knowledge.
  • Get it over with now. Studying for the CPA exam sucks, no question about it. You might as well get it over with now, do it right the first time, and get it out of the way. It is like peeling off a band-aid.
  • You will make more money. Over the course of your career, you will make more money and be eligible to be promoted higher. Think of it as a time value of money proposition, the sooner you do it, the sooner you will be making more money and you will be able to make that higher salary for a longer percentage of your lifetime.
  • The further you get in your accounting career, the more distractions and responsibility you will have. There has never been a better time than now, because it will only become more difficult later.
  • You will get more respect in your profession - the more credentials and qualifications you can get in this highly competitive business world, the better you look.
  • The requirements might change. When the 150-credit hour requirement went into effect, some of those without CPAs had to go back to school for another year in order to get this achievement. What if accounting rules change, especially likely as tax regimes change, and the exam becomes even more difficult? Once you pass it, you won't have to worry about this.
  • If you are still in college, or just out, many firms give large cash bonuses for those who enter, or pass within the first year or so. If a large cash payout isn't enough to motivate you, then you can give it to me!



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