Mar 31, 2009

Pass the CPA Exam - Business Section - Test Prep

With under a week left of preparation for taking the Business section of the CPA exam, I am starting to put my last push in. Studying the day before the exam, and especially the day of the exam, don't work very well so if I don't learn it in the next few days I probably won't know it. So how am I studying?

First off, I have an exam test prep course I am taking which provides exam questions and reading material. I have gone through and read these once so far, and some of the more difficult sections twice. I generally approach these using the SQ3R method, which is a commonly used reading technique today to improve reading comprehension.

The practice questions included in the package were my next step in test prep. I went through a trial run on them and answered them to the best of my ability. Now, I am going back through and answering the questions I got wrong or skipped the first time through. Some of these questions I answered in haste, due to impatience or missing the key of the question. The best way to learn from these questions is to sit back, think, and understand the question. Consider each option and take your time - only the final exam is timed, right now it is most important that you get your form right and next you can work on speed. There is no prize for getting done early with every question wrong!

Related Articles:
Best Reasons to Take the CPA Exam Now!
Pass the CPA Exam - Business Section - Economics
Pass the CPA Exam - Overview of the Business Section



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