Mar 19, 2009

Student Obesity in the USA

As Americans, we face one of the most frightening problems among the entire world: Obesity. Everywhere we turn is fast food deep fried in grease, extra large Coca-Colas with free refills, and the option to get the value-meal super sized. In the USA, it is even worse because our schools are inviting fast food companies into our cafeterias from grade school to the university level.

Is it any wonder that obesity in the USA is such a problem? What can we, as concerned students do in order to prevent gaining weight? Often times it can be tempting to snack on something tasty while reading that book, fight off stress by indulging in a box of cookies, or simply save time by running by the drive-through on the way home from class. However, time and time again we have seen that this can cause our bodies to fight back. Here are a few easy rules and obesity solutions fin check for American students when dining out:

  1. When at restaurants, only drink water. This can not only save you from calories, sodium, and brain function stealing sugar, but also help out your pocket book. The cost of cola is on the rise, and what used to be fairly inexpensive is now an arm-and-a-leg due to the addiction many Americans have developed.
  2. Never order the value meal. If you want to watch your calories, don't spring for the value meal. Who needs deep fried french fries filled with fat, calories, and covered in salt? As if the burger you were ordering wasn't bad enough, this just adds on to the mess.
  3. Order fresh cuts over processed meat. Often times if you can get a grilled chicken sandwich, this will have less fat than ordering a "crispy" chicken sandwich, because there is less room for them to hide inexpensive fillers and fat.
  4. Always ask for nutritional information. Most restaurants are required to have this information available, and nearly all chain restaurants have it on hand. Of course, you will need to ask since they may not want to advertise that their best seller is also their best killer.
  5. Don't eat on the go. I know that picking something up from the drive-through can be tempting to eat on the way home, but avoid the temptation. One cause of obesity is that people don't really sit down and enjoy their food when they eat it, so they don't feel as if they have really eaten. When it is time to eat, make sure to sit down at the table with the television off and do nothing else but eat.



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